
Fourth Quarter Cooperative Skills Assessment
Sixth grade students will developing human pyramids in class on May 6th. Students will each get to assess the level of cooperation of their fellow group members using a rubric worth 40 points. This rubric can be viewed in the FILES below.
Fourth Quarter Batting Assessment
Fourth and fifth grade students will be evaluated on proper batting mechanics the week of April 28th. This assessment is worth 40 points. The grading rubric for this assessment is available in the "FILES" below.
Fourth Quarter Soccer Assessment
All fourth and fifth grade students will take a written soccer test the week of April 7th. This test is worth 40 points. A study guide has been provided in the FILES below.
Project ACES
ACES (All Children Exercising Simultaneously) is the worlds largest exercise class. Come join us on May 7th at 10:00am as all fourth and fifth grade students and staff participate in ACES. We will walk to Maicach (165th & Drexel) and back to school as a public statement that we do not fit into the sterotype of being physicallly unfit.
All Star Behavior
All of Mr. Bogwill's 1st, 2nd, & 3rd period sixth grade students will celebrate their outstanding behavior and performance in Physical Education class with a pizza party on April 11th. A special congratulations goes out to all these fine young men and women for their hard work.
Fourth Quarter Fintess Assessment
Sixth grade students will take a paper & pencil assessment on the FITT Principles of exercise on April 3, 2014. This assessment is worth 40 points. A study guide has been provided in the FILES below.
Third Quarter Fitness Assessment
We are studying the five components of health related fitness this quarter. Fourth and Fifth grade students will take a paper pencil test the week of February 3rd. This assessment is worth 40 points. A study guide has been provided in FILES below.
Third Quarter Volleyball Assessment
Sixth grade students will take a skills test using proper volleyball passing technique worth 40 points on February 4th. A study guide has been provided in the FILES below.
Third Quarter Writing Assessment
All fourth, fifth, & sixth grade students will read selected passages assigned the week of February 10th. These passages can be accessed in the LINKS on the right. A written response related to these passages must be submitted by February 27th using the Venn Diagram provided in the FILES below.. This assignment is worth 30 points.
Second Quarter Basketball Assessment
Sixth grade students will take a skills test related to proper basketball dribbling technique worth 30 points on December 12th. This asessment has been provided in the FILES below.
Second Quarter Rules, Safety, & Strategy Assessment
Sixth grade students will take a 30 point assessment based on their knoweldge of a selceted activity from class on November 19th. This assessment is in the FILES below.
Second Quarter Fitness Assessment
Fourth and fifth grade students will be taught how to take their pulse and calculate their hear rate. We will also explore resting heart rate and target heart rate. Students will take a paper pencil assessment worth 30 points on these concepts the week of December 12th. A study guide has been provided in the FILES below.
Second Quarter Rolling Assessment
Fourth and fifth grade students will be bowling in class the week of October 28th. Students will be assessed on proper rolling technique at the end of our unit. This assessment can be viewed in FILES below and is worth 30 points.
First Quarter High Jump Assessment
Sixth grade students will be assessed the week of October 7th. Students will make measurement conversions in class as it applies to the high jump event. This assessment is worth 30 points. Examples and practice problems are in "FILES" below.
First Quarter Rule, Safety, & Strategy Assessment
Fifth grade students will take a 30 point assessment based on their knoweldge of a selceted activity from class the week of September 16th. This assessment is in the FILES below.
First Quarter Dance Assessment
Fourth grade students will be assessed on Illinois State Learning Standard 19.A.2 by performing a dance the week of September 23rd. Students get to select from one of two dances (Axel F or "Move It!). This teacher observation assessment is worth 30 points. Please find instructional videos in the links below and grading criteria in the files below.


First Quarter Fitness Assessment
Fourth, fifth, & sixth grade students will document their physical activity for seven consecutive days. This 30 point assignement is due by September 13th and can be found in the FILES below.