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McKinley Junior High School

Health & Fitness Program

Mr. Claudius Anderson

Email: [email protected]



Welcome back to a new school year!  We are very excited to begin a new year and hope you are too! Please read the following information regarding our Health & fitness program, after reading, if there are questions and concerns, please contact me right away.



This year, we will have health once per week, every Monday, and  we will cover the following units in this order.`


Units: Health & Fitness Education

What is Health? (September)


The Components of Fitness (October)


Human growth and development

(November & December)

Nutrition ( January & February)


Physical Activity & Fitness (March & April)


Sex Education (May)




Students will earn 20pts points daily in all Health & Fitness Classes and will be assessed in the following manner:

Students Assessment:

  1. Participation in Class 5 pts
  2. Class Quick write/Assignments 15Pts
  3. An additional 20 points for a written activity or test earning a total of 40 points per health class, weekly.



  • Students must be in the gym before the tardy bell.
  • All students must come with more than one pen or pencil
  • All students are expected to participate to the best of their ability.


GRADING SCALE: Health & Physical Education


A - 93- 100                         B-  84 - 92

C -74 - 83                            D- 65 - 73

F – 0 – 64




Parents we do have individual lockers in the locker room for each child to secure personal items only, which include gym uniforms , gym shoes, uniform shirt and pants, as well as books and school supplies. All other valuables, such as money, watches, jewelry, electronic equipment, (phones & ipods ) etc,  must not be kept or  left in the locker room at anytime.


However, each child is required to purchase a combination lock to secure all personal items. The combination of which, must be secured in the office in the event of an emergency.



  1. Failure to dress for gym at anytime, loss of points (100pts) gym class suspension, write out class expectations.
  2. Not meeting class behavior expectations, loss of participation points (70pts), sit out, write out behavior expectations.
  3. Late to class, loss of points 10% of total points for that day.


Parents depending on the severity of the infraction, you and the Dean of Students may be notified.


Parents please read and discuss this hand out with your child so that these procedures can be clearly understood.

We encourage every child to work hard to achieve the best grade that they can.