Week of August 29 - September 2
29 - Essential Question 17-2 "What led the republicans in Congress to take control of Reconstruction?"
30 - Essential Question 17-3 "Examine the new hurdles African Americans faced as the South attempted to rebuild."
31 - "The Way West Map"
1 - Essay (1-3-1) "What would make you give up a cowboy's life?"
2- Chapter 18 G.A.S. (Vocabulary)

​Week of September 5 - 9
5 - Labor Day 
6 - Social Studies Assessment
7 - Computer Lab
8 - Understanding Latitude and Longitude
9 - Understanding Latitude and Longitude; September 11, 2001 Tribute

Week of September 12 - 16
12 - Understanding Latitude and Longitude
13 - Test-Understanding Latitude and Longitude
14 - New York Stock Market Experiment
15 - Cowboy Slang and Chapter 18 Activities
16 - Essential Question 18-1

Week of September 19 - 23
19 - Challenge P. 12  Chapter 18 Activity due Thursday
20 - Cowboy Slang
21 - Computer Lab
22 - Map:  Mining Regions and Cattle Trails of the Old West
23 - Map:  Mining Regions and Cattle Trail of the Old West

Week of September 26 - 30
26 - Quiz - Mapping History Activity 17 and Challenge P. 15
27 - Ch. 19 G.A.S. (Vocabulary)
28 - Challenge Paper P. 36
29 - Essay writing "If You Were There"
30 - Ch. 20 G.A.S. (Vocabulary)

Week of October 3 - 7
3 - The Immigrant Experience
4 - Ch. 20 G.A.S. (Vocabulary) & Introduction of Ch. 20 Activity
5 - Computer Lab
6 - E.Q. 20-1
7 - E.Q. 20-2

Week of October 10 - 14
10 - Columbus Day - No School
11 - E.Q. 20-2
12 - Ellis Island Decision
13 - E.Q. 20-3
14 - Ch. 20 Test & Ch. 21 G.A.S. (Vocabulary)

Week of October 17 - 21
17 - Ch. 21 G.A.S. (Vocabulary)
18 - Essay "If You Were There" & Challenge P. 54
19 - High School Placement Test
20 - Essential Questions 21-1 & 2
21 - Essential Question 21-3

Week of October 24 - 28
24 - Essential Question 21-4 and Challenge P. 58
25 - Spanish-American War Map
26 - UIC Field Trip
27 - Ch. 22 G.A.S. (Vocabulary)
28 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

Week of October 31 - November 4
31 - Ch. 22 G.A.S. (Vocabulary) due Wednesday
1 - Essential Statement 22-1 "Examine how the United States joined the race for control of overseas territory in the late 1800s."
2 - Computer Lab
3 - Essential Question 22-2 "As a result of the Spanish American War, where did the United States expand into new ports of the world?"
4 - CCCStreaming - "The Spanish American War:  Birth of a Super Power

Week of November 7 - 11
7 - Examine the role of U.S. territories after the Spanish American War
8 - No School Election Voting
9 - Essential Question 22-3 "Describe how the United States expanded its role in Latin America in the early 1900s."
10 - WWI - "Entangling Alliances Dilemma"
11 - No School Veteran's Day

Week of November 14 - 18
14 - Discussion - "Entangling Alliances Dilemma"
15 - Ch. 23 G.A.S (Vocabulary)
16 - Computer Lab - "Europe"
17 - WWI Cryptogram
18 - WWI Cryptogram

Week of November 21 - 25
21 - Challenge P. 61
22 - "A Fateful Voyage"
23 - Thanksgiving Break
24 - Thanksgiving Break
25 - Thanksgiving Break

Week of November 28 - December 2
28 - CCC Streaming - World War I
29 - Essential Question 23-1 "How did tensions in 1914 Europe explode into the deadliest war the world had ever seen?"
30 - Computer Lab - "Europe"
1 - World War I map and Chapter 23 Activities
2 - World War I map

Week of December 5 - 9
5 - World War I map
6 - World War I map
7 - Ch. 24 G.A.S.
8 - E. Q. 24-1 "How did the industrial boom of the 1920s change the American way of life?"
9 - "The car Becomes Part of American Life."  Challenge P. 87

Week of December 12 - 16
12 - Ch. 24 Pretest
13 - Teen Dating and Family Violence Prevention
14 - Teen Dating and Family Violence Prevention
15 - Ch. 24 Test
16 - Test Corrections

Week of December 19 - 23
19 - Liberty Bread Periods 1,3, and 5 (Periods 2,4, and 7 Select Your Adventure)
20 - Liberty Bread Periods 2, 4, 7 (Periods 1,3, and 5 Select Your Adventure)
21 - Ch. 17-24 Test
22 - Ch. 17-24 Test
23 - Ch. 17-24 Test

Week of January 9 - 13
9 - Ch. 25 G.A.S. (Vocabulary)
10 - The Stock Market Collapses (Challenge p. 90)
11 - P & G Board of Directors Meeting
12 - P & g Board of Directors Meeting
13 - CCC Streaming - "Martin Luther King, Jr. - Great Hearts of Courage"

Week of January 16 - 20
16 - No School Dr. King's Day
17 - The Depression Cripples America (Challenge P. 93)
18 - "Dust Bowl Disaster" An informal reading
19 - PostPERA Assessment
20 - PostPERA Assessment

Week of January 23 - 27
23 - Ch. 25 Section 1 notes
24 - Ch. 25 Section 2 notes
25 - Ch. 25 Section 3 notes
26 - Ch. 26 Pretest
27 - Institute

Week of January 30 - February 3
30 - WW II Actions/Responses (Challenge P. 102)
31 - Ch. 26 G.A.S. (Vocabulary)
1 - Emmett Till
2 - Primary Source Document "December 8, 1941"
3 - Montgomery Bus Boycott

Week of February 6 - 10
6 - The Little Rock Nine
7 - Essential question 26-1 "Examine how the rise of totalitarian gov'ts led tot he start of WW II."
8 - "Crack the Code - The Holocaust"
9 - Essential question 26-2 "How did American involvement in World War II help the United States     economy?"  Challenge Paper P. 105
10 - James Meredith

Week of February 13 - 17
13 - Nashville Sit-ins
14 - Essential Question 26-3 "Examine how the fierce fighting in North Africa and Europe stopped the German advance and slowly began driving back German forces."
15 - Operation Decode.  Solving "ENIGMA"
16 - Operation Decode.  Solving "ENIGMA"
17 - All Day Writing workshop

Week of February 20 - 24
20 - No School President's Day
21 - Freedom Rides
22 - Essential Question 26 - 4  "Analyze how Allied forces reversed Japan's expansion in the Pacific and battled toward the main Japanese islands.
23 -  Essential Question 26 - 5 "Examine the consequences of World War II" and P & G Board of Directors Meeting
24 - Children's March

Week of February 27 -March 3
27 - March to Selma
28 - World War II Map
1 - Chapter 26 Test
2 - World War II Map
3 - No School

Week of March 6 - 10
6 - No School Pulaski Day
7 - Auschwitz:  If You Cried You Died
8 - World War II Map due (1/2 day for students)
9 - Ch. 27 G.A.S. (Vocabulary)
10 - Ch. 27 Reading Checks Pages 846, 848, and 850

Week of March 13 - 17
13- CCC Streaming - 1945-1989:  The Cold War
14 - Challenge P. 117
15 - Challenge P. 121
16 - PARCC Testing
17 - PARCC Testing

Week of March 20 - 24
20 - PARCC Testing
21 - "The Black Soldier"
22 - Chapter 28 G.A.S.
23 - "Life Looks Back"
24 - "Life Looks Back" Timeline

Week of March 27 - 31
27 - "In the Land of Jim Crow:  Using the Vote"
28 - Vietnam Map
29 - "Life Looks Back" Timeline
30 - Ch. 29 G.A.S.
31 - Institute

Week of April 3 - 7
3 - Challenge P. 141
4 - Ch. 30 G.A.S.
5 - Challenge P. 150
6 - Ch. 31 G.A.S.
7 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

Week of April 10 - 14
10 - State Symbols/Notes
11 - Review/Notes
12 - Review/Notes
13 - Review/Travel Into Outer Space
14 - No School

Week of April 17 - 21
17 - No School
18 - No School
19 - No School
20 - No School
21 - No School

Week of April 24 - 28
24 - Review (Quiz Tuesday)
25 - Study sheet #1
26 - Review/Study sheet #2 (Quiz Thursday)
27 - Review/Quiz/Study sheet #3
28 - Review/Quiz/Study sheet #4

Week of May 1 - 5
1 - Review/IL Map
2 - Track Meet/Review
3 - Review/Quiz/IL Map
4 - Review/IL Map
5 - Review/IL Map due

Week of May 8 - 12

8 - Review
9 - Practice Test
10 - Review/1/2 day S.I.P.
11 - Practice Test
12 - Great America

Week of May 15 - 19
15 - Final
16 - Constitution Retake
17 - Constitution Retake
18 - Graduation Practice/Dinner Dance
19 - Graduation Practice

Week of May 22 - 26
22 - Graduation Practice
23 - Graduation Practice
24 - Graduation
25 -
26 -

Week of May 29 - June 2
29 - No School Memorial Day
30 -
31 - Last Day of School