My Mission Statement and Core Values

My Vision and Mission Statement

I want my students to not only think of me as the person who is transferring knowledge, but also as a person who is concerned about them, cares for them, and cares about their individuality and well-being.  I will set goals, morals, values, and expectations that will guide students to challenge themselves academically and socially, respect themselves, and respect others. 

My classroom environment is democratic and promotes students to take an active role in their learning experience which guides students into becoming free thinking citizens.  In order to achieve these aspects I teach lessons that are student centered and tend to students’ interest.  The content is presented to students through hands-on learning experiences, small groups and peer interactions, and instruction that tend to students’ specific needs.  Along with having students take an active role in their learning experience, I also create an authentic environment which involves students’ creativity. 

My Core Values

  • I believe we are all created with a purpose and a mission
  • I believe in treating people the way that you want to be treated, and treating others with love and respect
  • I believe that a part of learning is making mistakes and learning from those mistakes
  • I believe in providing an environment where students can problem solve and think critically
  • I believe in providing students opportunities to be independent thinkers and leaders
  • I believe in an education that is both challenging and nurturing, by engaging students' heads, hearts and hands.