
West's Winners' News 05/07/14
Attention All Parents...
We have had several parents ask whether we will still accept late field trip payments.  Because we want as many of our students to attend as possible, we are allowing students to pay by Friday, May 9.  We will also be sending forms for Field Day and Field Trip t-shirt orders.  (These orders are optional.)  Check your child's Friday folder for more details.
Please be aware that we want Field Day to be an enjoyable experience for everyone. That is why we want students to work hard leading up to this event.  We are watching closely to make sure students are obeying school rules, completing work on time, and being respectful at all times. Students who do can plan to enjoy a full day of fun and games to celebrate the end of the year.  I will be using a chart to keep track of how well students are making progress towards these goals. We want to end the year as well as we started.  Furthermore, several students who misbehaved during the Project Aces walk have already been warned about not being able to participate in Field Day. Our goal is to reward hard work and good choices.

Congratulations to VIP Winner James McClinton!
West's Winners' News 04/29/14
Welcome Back!
It feels like we never left for spring Break.  We are moving full speed ahead into our final full month of school.  I have been reminding students that this is actually the most important time to buckle down academically.  Students have a tendency to stop turning in work on time or to study less because the warmer weather is back, but this is the month that we actually look at the data (test scores, grades, work habits, performance compared to the previous year) to determine whether students have made adequate growth.  We also look for ways to promote learning throughout the summer months.  These weeks are too important to be slack about the quality of work.  I appreciate your support in my endeavor to challenge students to do the best job they possibly can.
Important reminders:  This week is the deadline for payments to attend the Irons Oaks trip.  We encourage on line payments using the e-pay link on our website.  Students with unpaid school fees cannot attend any Field trips or Field Day activities unless the school fees are paid.
West's Winners' News April 15, 2014
Spring is here- snow and all!  We couldn't be happier.  As we prepare for Spring Break, there are some very important reminders, namely:  
1.Payments for our Irons Oaks Field Trip ($60) may be made using our e-pay system or in person by stopping at the Main Office; 
2.We are in need of volunteers for Field Day (June 2);
3.Please restock your students' school supplies (index cards, loose leaf paper, and spiral notebooks) during break.

West's Winners' News 04/07/14
It was great to see so many of you out for Parent-Teacher Conferences!  I know that fourth quarter is going to be great just based upon the number of involved and supportive parents we saw last week.  There is much to cover in this last quarter to make sure our students are more than ready for sixth grade.  With your help, it can be done.  Therefore, as many of you heard me say, I am combining Science chapters 14 and 15 as they both deal with energy.  We will explore many related topics such as electricity, clean energy, natural resources, and Earth Day.  We will also do more with students' designing machines, creating maps of electric circuits, and participating in labs in preparation for their future involvement in sixth grade Science Fair.  I also expect to cover at least one more novel before the end of the school year.  Right now, we are covering Theme 5 in our Reading book, and we are ending Unit 8 in Math.  Please refer to our homework link for more information.
Don't forget the IRONS OAKS deposits can be made on line using e-pay.  Final payments are due by MAY 1.
West's Winners' News 04/01/14
Happy Tuesday!
Congrats to Xavier Jones, our VIP!  We are into our last quarter of the school year and are encouraging each of our students to bring their "A Game".  School is not about being the class clown or being cool.  It is about making academic progress.  That needs to be the first priority.  Therefore, the students who are likely candidates for VIP are those who are still putting forth their best effort to turn in quality work every time.  They are following directions the first time given, and they are active participants in our lessons.  That being said...the note you will receive this week is actually a great way to reinforce the behavior we expect from every student.  It is about our end-of-the-year field trip.  This field trip is to Irons Oaks Nature Center and is only for those students who have no suspensions and no more than 2 referrals.  We will visit the Nature Center on June 3.  We would like to bring our whole class, so good behavior is required.  The cost of the trip is $60.  Please look for more details in your child's folder this week.
Parents, please come out to Parent-Teacher Conferences this Thursday (4-8 PM) and Friday (9AM-Noon).  If for any reason you cannot attend conferences, please email me at [email protected]
West's Winners' News 03/17/14
This quarter is flying by.  Students have until the end of the day March 27 to take their last AR tests of the quarter.  Grades will then be updated to show their AR progress.  Students do not have to wait until then to show you their progress because they can view those reports just by logging in to Renaissance Learning.  Remember, 10 points are needed for an A-.  Furthermore, several tests are planned.  Please refer to the homework link on this page to know what students need to study to be well-prepared for these assessments.  Please note that there is no school this Friday, March 21 due to our Teacher Institute Day.  That will be a great time to finish reading Number the Stars.  We have already begun chapter 5 in class. Students can feel free to read ahead. We have been comparing the book toHana's Suitcase, our most recent class novel about the Holocaust.  Make sure that students keep their novels in the baggies they were given, along with the packet of vocabulary and writing activities.
West Winner's News 03/12/2014
ISAT has ended!
What better way to celebrate than with Pi Day!

Our class will be celebrating the mathematical expression of Pi (3.14.....) on 3/14.  We will share the history of Pi and talk about how it relates to measuring circles.
I have planned all kinds of activities involving the circumference of circles.  Our favorite kinds of circles on Pi day are pies.  Therefore, children are invited to bring in their favorite pie (store-bought please) so that they can learn and eat at the same time.  Remember to send plastic serving utensils.  Plates are also welcome.
West's Winners' News 03/07/14
Hello, Parents!
(It has been a while since I used this platform for sending messages.  I had been somewhat discouraged that more people weren't using it as a means of helping their children study.  For the sake of those who do, I have to keep this going.)
Due to unforeseen circumstances this afternoon, we had many disruptions to our day.  We all took advantage of an opportunity to recollect ourselves and get some fresh air outdoors after a mildly stressful week of testing.  VIP announcements will resume next week (once testing is over).  I do want you to know that most of our class took longer and put forth their best efforts in Math.  Some students seemed to work a little too quickly when completing the reading portions.  We have one session of reading and one in math left to complete; however, many other students in the building will still be testing.
Please click the "homework" link on this page to find out what we will be doing next week. 
West's Winners' News 02/18/14
Welcome back after a long weekend!
It's hard to believe that we have made it to another midterm, but we have.  Expect grades to be updated to reflect points students have earned in AR over these last four weeks.  Remember, the letter grade is based upon points earned, not based upon the comprehension percentage. 
You may (or may not) be aware that ISAT testing is beginning two weeks from now.  Students will be tested in Reading and Math.  The third session of Math requires writing about how problems are being solved. You can help your child practice this at home by having them explain to you how they are solving Math problems from the homework.  They should be able to explain each step to a solution.  Students need to be careful on the reading prompts to restate the key words from the question in their answer.  There are wonderful practice questions in the Common Core Coach books which are being sent home soon to help you reinforce the skills with your child.   For additional practice, please visit any of the links on this page.
West's Winners' News 02/12/14
Since our last message, we have had two VIPS : Alexus Spann and James McClinton.  Congratulations to them for their hard work.
Unfortunately, due to repeated misbehavior over the last week in P.E., Music, Library, and in our class (with our substitute recently), we will not have any celebration this Friday.  I am deeply disappointed because I have never had to cancel a celebration. I had been planning something special.  Students may, at some later date earn the privilege of a class party.
Those deadlines for projects and reading logs are right around the corner.  In fact, it was previously suggested that to guarantee that Six Flags and Deep River would receive our reading logs on time, I should have moved the due dates forward to Feb. 24th-not the 27th.  In any case, I have only received two sets of reading logs from our class. The Black History projects, however, are still due by Feb 21.  I am encouraged by all of the students who have been coming up to me to tell me what they are learning from their research.  Since we have finished our novel about Frederick Douglass, we are back into our reading series this week.  This Friday, expect that students will take their  Reading, Spelling, and Grammar Tests.  The Grammar test will cover the use of commas in a series, combining sentences, and using introductory phrases.
West's Winners' News 01/21/14
Thankfully, winter is half over.  Yet, the lists of things to do seems to keep growing.  Hopefully, you received from your students the reading logs for Six Flags and for Deep River Water Park.  Most students enjoy receiving those at the end of the year as a well-earned reward for their hard work with improving their reading grades.  I will trust that they will keep up with those copies because there will not be replacement copies made should those become lost.  it is part of instilling responsibility in our youth.  the best way to keep up with the reading log is to keep it in the take home folder, updating it daily. 
Congratulations to our last two VIPs - Chrisyah Watson and Lauryn Cotton!
As we begin another week, help your students to keep their eyes on the prize and to strive to do their best at all times - especially when things get tough!
West's Winners' News 01/14/14
Welcome Back!
     We are slowly getting back to a regular schedule- just in time for the end of the quarter.  Many students were in a frenzy to beat out their AR scores from last quarter.  The challenge had been issued to them to score at least five points above whatever they already had.  Invitations will be coming home soon to announce those students who are being invited to the AR party to celebrate their hard work.  A few of their points could have been earned from books which were part of our class discussions:The House on Hackman's Hill,  Seven Miles to Freedom, and Rosa
     Our next novel study will begin next Tuesday and last about 3 weeks.  It is a reading of the biography of Frederick Douglass.  It is also an AR book.  Most of the reading will be done in class.  
     In honor of Dr. King, we have been analyzing quotes and speeches, looking at books and photographs from the Civil Rights movement.  I am encouraging families to sit down together and watch documentaries and other films being aired this weekend to help deepen students' understanding of the struggles African-Americans have faced in the quest for equal rights.  Many of them will be aired this weekend and will greatly benefit our class discussions.
Thank you to every parent who helped their student succeed on their Solar System project.  The displays were wonderful!  I look forward to having your student research African-American Scientists (TBA).  

West's Winners' News 12/17/13
Congratulations to Whittney Piggott, our VIP! 
I apologize for not properly acknowledging Jeffrey Owens for VIP award recently as well.
All I can say is that I am truly amazed at the work students were able to produce with the Science projects.  They are wonderful.  The students worked really hard and are very proud of their work.  I salute you, the parents.  I also saw some students who usually appear not to be very interested in class suddenly come alive when they got to show off what they really do know.  There will be other opportunities like this as we progress through the school year.  In the meantime, our next project is well underway.  Students have been bringing in goods to be used for those gingerbread houses on Friday.  I look forward to seeing the finished products.

We all know that once students go home Friday, they will be there for two weeks.  Since we don't want them to forget everything they've learned, please be sure to have them get plenty of practice on Vocabulary workshop (Unit 7), Everyday Math (Fraction Games or Fact Dash), and Accelerated Reader.  The older my kids get, the more I value those two weeks.  So, I do not assign work during those weeks.  I do recommend extra practice with Math and Reading skills, museum visits, and time together with family.  Have a happy holiday season!
West's Winners' News 12/10/13
Well, it has been a while since I've posted messages with Thanksgiving, the planning for the Field Trip, Midterms...Life..Now, I'm back.  Special thanks to Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Hester, and Mrs. Piggott for their help in chaperoning our trip.
Congratulations to Kenya Smith for being our most recent VIP!
By now, you should have received a notice from me regarding Solar System Projects.  Those are due Tuesday, December 17.  Students have been several choices of topics and time in class for research.  We have read e-books on constellations and meteors and visited several web sites to learn about the Sun, Moon, and planets.  I have also permitted students to borrow books from my classroom library to support their research.  Your signature on the notice was required as proof of receipt.
In the meantime, we are planning our holiday party. Our class will be making gingerbread houses.  Each child will need a bag of candy so that there is enough candy to decorate the houses.  Gum drops, candy canes, gummy bears, fruit snacks, spice candies, peppermints, or butterscotch are all appropriate.  The money collected for the parties will be used to order food for the children and to purchase paper goods for the meal.  
West's Winners' News 11/19/13
Congratulations to India Newell for being our VIP!
Attention all Parents...
If you signed your child up for the after school program, the program started yesterday.  Although it was announced during the day, and students were given an opportunity to call home to ensure that they had a ride, many of the students we expected to stay did not.  This program can only be helpful if attendance is high.  Fifth grade students showed remarkable gains last year, due partly to the practice students received in the program.  It is not too late to sign-up.
As a reminder, please make sure students are studying for tests by memorizing definitions, identifying main ideas of the text, being able to describe steps in a process, and practicing la belling diagrams.  It is obvious that students had difficulty with their first Science test. Many admit to not studying.  We are not retaking the test because it was the third assessment given on body systems.  We have moved on to other kinds of systems.  We are now studying our Solar System.  Watch for assignments coming home at least twice weekly.
West's Winners' News 11/13/13
Parents, the help you have been wanting with challenging your students at home in the areas of Reading and Math has arrived.  The new link on our district web site called "Renaissance Parent (Home Connect)" allows you to track your child's reading progress and it allows you to see their progress in Accelerated Math.  Some students have had fewer than 3 sessions with Accelerated Math.  Others have had multiple experiences, based upon the speed at which they progress from one lesson to the other.  This is designed to meet them where they are and to reteach what they have not yet mastered.  It is linked to Khan Academy.  Go ahead and preview the program.  Send me an email to let me know what you think about the program.
West's Winners' News 11/12/13
It was a joy to meet all of the families who attended conferences last week.Conferences are important times to focus on what strengths and weaknesses each student possesses.  It is also important for children to see their parents and teachers working with one accord to help them achieve their best levels of success. Our chances of success are greater when we support one another.  Therefore, I am very appreciative of parents who took the time to be here.  Some of you missed some important deadlines.  Forms are already past due for those who are signing up for the after school program or for the discounted service being offered by Sylvan Learning Centers and other area tutoring services.  Field trip forms are also now due.  The first of 3 parent chaperones has already sent in the signed permission slip expressing the desire to volunteer for the day.  
The trip is scheduled for December 6.  All monies are due by November 25.  (I can only accept two more volunteer forms.) 
West's Winners' News
Congratulations to Jada Hester, our class VIP!
I look forward to meeting with each of you during Parent-Teacher Conferences this Thursday and Friday.  This is when you will receive your child's first quarter report card.  All of the teachers for fourth and fifth grade will meet parents in the small gym.  I am asking those who would like to sign their children up for the after school tutoring program to do so ASAP by sending the form with the child or by bringing it to conferences.  I will be happy to discuss any concerns you may have about your child's progress.  Just remember that we are on the same team.  We are here to help your child achieve their greatest potential.
Our Thornton Township Food Drive is underway.  We are collecting non-perishable food items and monetary donations.  The food drive ends November 19.  Classes are competing to collect the most items.
West's Winners' News 10/29/13
Congratulations to Rayah Winfrey, our VIP!
Our first class party is fast-approaching, and I need to clear up some misconceptions.  Students are allowed to bring treats to share with classmates.  They are not allowed to wear costumes.  This is a celebration in which all students can take part because it has no inclusion of anything that is related to Halloween.  I am planning to play games, show a movie, and eat treats.  The party will be held after lunch recess.  We plan to work hard on academics all morning.
If you have not yet submitted the form for tutoring, please do so.  Those services are being offered to children who qualify.  We cannot request the services if we don't know you're interested.  We need your responses ASAP.
Please note that the link for the vocabulary website (shown below) has been 
corrected and is working fine.
West's Winners' News 10/22/13
Kudos to Stanley Forestal for being the VIP!
Parents, our quarter ends now, and the time for Parent-Teacher Conferences is fast-approaching!  Please be aware that the final grades will be updated by the end of this week.  There is a lot to be entered.  I can tell you that test and quiz scores make a huge difference in your child's grades.  Test and quiz scores, combined, total 70% of the grades for each subject.  Also be aware that there is no such thing as last-minute extra credit.  The only extra credit that will appear in the recent list of grades are reflective of bonus points earned on the last two Math tests.  We will be hosting conferences on November 7th (evening) and November 8th (morning).  These will be ten-minute conferences.  No appointment is necessary.  You will be able to see each of your child's teachers. 

Don't forget..."Read It and Sleep" is happening Nov.1.  Send forms and payment soon if you plan to have your child attend.
West's Winners' News 10/15/13
Congratulations to Tahlia Powell, our VIP!
Time is winding up, and we are quickly coming to the end of a month and the end of the first quarter.  The end of the month is when our class party takes place.  Most students have submitted their $5.00 donation for party items. (This is a one-time donation for the whole year.) This is not a Halloween party but a fall party.  There will be no costumes.  Parents who would like to assist in any way can feel free to contact me.  Also those who would like to send treats should send individually-wrapped treats.  We cannot accept anything containing peanut products or anything homemade due to our concern for our students with severe allergies.
In the meantime, there are some important things happening academically which warrant your concern.  We are completing our study of the Digestive System with a test this Thurs. (based upon class notes).  Mrs. Gonnella is giving a quiz over vocabulary for Social Studies on tomorrow, and we are nearing the end of the storyLoser.  By the end of this week I expect to be done with chapter 19.  Books went home today if you would like to review with your student. Our Math test covering evaluating expressions is this Friday.
West's Winners' News (Continued)
Students were to take home a letter explaiing further details about the Math Test.  I was in a meeting, and the letter was not distributed with those papers.  It stated:
Dear Parents,
As students have completed Unit 2 of Everyday Math, I have decided to give parents more of a feel for what the Unit Math tests are like by sending this one home. Tests will be due in Thursday. You will notice some problems are missing because I really felt that they focused on material that was not important to the unit and did not reflect what had been covered in the homework. It is important that students use their Student Reference Books to help with the test. It is equally important that students do their own work. They may receive help with understanding a problem, but make sure that any work completed is actually done by them. This will not be the only Math test given before the end of the quarter. Students will take another test involving solving equations and evaluating expressions on next Friday in class. That test is part of the Common Core Coach series we are using in class.    This way, students have two opportunities to do well on Math test grades. Please provide the support needed for all students to have great success.
Thank You in Advance,
Mrs. Carter-West
West's Winners' News 10/08/13
Good Morning, Parents!
Watch your child's book bag for three important things this week: A "Take Home Test" for Math, a spelling list, and a Loser. The LOSER book we are reading does have an AR test.  So, I am encouraging students to take the reading seriously to do well and to raise those AR grades.
We have already started collecting money for our class parties.  If your child has not yet given you the notice about it, please be aware that the cost is $5.00.  The first party is being held at the end of the month. 
I want to congratulate Marquese Newsome for being VIP!  Who's Next??????
West's Winners' 10/01/13
Congratulations to Deija Nesbitt--VIP!
Thank you for the email addresses.  Vocabulary Workshop has been updated so that students can log-on from home to begin practicing for their upcoming tests.  The interactive word webs are what we have used to review the words in class.  Their are also fun games to help review the synonyms and antonyms of each word. 
Our new novel is called LOSER.  The reading strategies taught using this book will include understanding figurative language, character descriptions, theme, and point of view. Most of the reading will be done in class.  You will begin to see packets of work to accompany the book.  All books are numbered and assigned to assure that books will be handled responsibly.  Whenever they travel home, they will do so in baggies with the packets.Students will be held responsible for any damages to the books.

Book reports are due!!
West's Winners' News 9/24/2013
Congrats to Lauryn Harvey for being named VIP!
We have been having a great time with Health.  In fact, your students can show you how to download nutrition information from their favorite snacks or how to count calories and grams of fat from your favorite fast food meals.  We have been using the Internet to explore daily recommended allowances of sodium, and the harmful effects of diets rich in sodium, fat, and cholesterol.  Now, the children are creating their own menus.

If that's not enough, in Math class, we tested our reaction time, organized our data, and learned how to find the landmarks of that data (mean, median, mode, and range).  That led to dividing decimals by whole numbers and exploring repeating decimals.  Sounds like Math and Science rolled into one!
Meanwhile, one of our reading groups has been learning about some of the world's deadliest volcanic eruptions and making charts and graphs to compare them based upon the death tolls.
Make sure students are ready for tomorrow's quiz on the Southern colonies for Mrs. Gonnella.
West's Winners' News
Congratulations to Jeff Ezenwelu, our latest VIP!
Hopefully, all of your students are practicing their vocabulary workshop words for this week's upcoming Unit 2 Test.  I have found that some of the email addresses shown on PowerSchool are not accurate.  Please send me a test email so that I can create a login for your child on the vocabulary workshop online activities.  I collected some email addresses at Open House, but it would be great to have everyone's email stored correctly at one time in my "Contacts" folder. 
Check the Home page for the P&TA calendar so that you can plan to attend our fall P&TA Town Hall Meeting. 
Check your students' bags for the P&TA fundraiser (sent home last week) and the Scholastic Books and lunch order forms being sent today and tomorrow.  We are preparing Midterm Progress Reports this week.  Students needed to have scored at least 7 AR points to receive a passing grade.  All students have had multiple opportunities to check out books and to take tests in our classroom and in the school library.
West's Winners' News 09/10/13
Congratulations to Jasmin Barker for being our VIP last Friday!
As we enter another week, students are buckling down for their first Math Unit Test.  We have been preparing these last two days by having students work with a "study buddy" or group to work out many of the types of problems we have seen from our first unit.  During this time, I was able to work with individuals who needed assistance.  I am finding that many students have forgotten their multiplication tables over the summer.  So, while the rest of us are working on factor trees and exponents, others are struggling with the foundational skills.  If this describes your child, please don't fail to practice with them daily. In fact, the activities listed below are great ways to replace TV and video game time:
Read an AR book, practice with Math flashcards, visit Everyday Math or Vocabulary Workshop on line, review the Spelling words for the week.  As you can see, there is never a day when your child has nothing to do.   We need everyone working together to help our students succeed.
West's Winners' News week of 09/03/13
Hopefully, all of you received the handwritten notes I sent to you regarding your child's behavior and/or class performance.   These notes will be sent to you on a regular basis and will require your signature as proof of having read the note.  Students who do not return the note signed will miss recess until the note is returned.  
Please refer to the "homework" link to keep informed of what I am assigning each week.  Feel free to email me should questions arise.

Picture Day is next Monday, Sept 9.  Students will be coming home this week with ordering information.  As a reminder... students must have their payment envelopes with them when their pictures are taken.  (Students will not be permitted to call home saying they've forgotten their envelopes.)


West's Winners' News
Open House is a special time for parents and teachers to meet and for parents to become familiar with their students' schedules and access to resources.  I would like to encourage the parents who could not attend Open House to please schedule some time to visit.  Typically, the sooner we can build bridges between school and home, the smoother our path to success with our students.  We want this year to be the best ever!  We cannot do it without you.
West's Winners' News 8/23/13
Wow! What a busy week it has been!  Hopefully your child has given you my first newsletter explaining my grading procedures and expectations.  Newsletters will be updated weekly with announcements about assignments or test dates. I also have traditionally included links to educational websites as the year progresses.  Should you need to contact me, please do so through email: [email protected] .  I am expecting great things from our students.  I believe that great academic success begins at home, and I look forward to discussing ways that we can help each other make this happen for our students.  I would love to meet each of you at Open House next Wednesday evening.