Parent Letter: Beginning of Year

Welcome to 6th Grade Science!!

Dear 6th grade parents,       

I hope that you are as excited about this new school year as I am!  My name is Mrs. Renfroe (formerly Ms. K), and I will be your science teacher this year!

I want to make sure that all students have a positive experience in my classroom.  To make sure this happens, please read the following science classroom expectations, positives, and consequences, and make sure that your student understands what is expected of them and is prepared to behave properly.  I know that all students have the ability to follow classroom expectations, so students will not be permitted to disrupt the learning of their peers or jeopardize their safety.


Classroom Expectations

1. Speak only when called upon

2. Show respect to receive respect: this includes people and belongings

3. Stay in your seat unless given permission

4. Follow the directions the first time they are given

5. No food, candy, gum, or drinks

6. Come to class prepared, including homework and materials

7. No arguments/fighting: physical OR verbal

8. Any unnecessary items that are brought to class will be taken away (i.e. cell phones, grooming items, lotion, scented sprays, Sharpies, etc.)

Positive Enforcements

  • ¨Praise
  • ¨Positive email
  • ¨ClassDojo points

Negative Consequences (5 Step Plan)

  1. Polite reminder
  2. Stern warning
  3. Lunch detention
  4. Referral/call home/after school detention
  5. Sent to principal/dean with referral for further action

*Steps may be skipped depending on the severity of the offense


Syllabus and Course Requirements 2017-2018

Mrs. Renfroe

Phone: 708-339-8500                     Email: [email protected]         

This syllabus contains important information that will help you to have a successful year in my classroom.  Expect to work hard, but we will also have some fun activities too!  I hope you are prepared for a challenging but informational year.  If you stay organized, work hard, and practice good study habits you will be successful.  I will be here to assist you in any way I can to ensure you are meeting your goals and achieving success.  This syllabus is for you to reference for my science class.

Science Course Description:

Our 6th grade science course will prepare students for the important concepts they will see in not only the rest of their junior high studies, but also throughout high school, and beyond.

The main areas of focus for the school year are as follows:

Scientific Method

Measurement and Conversions

Atoms, Elements, and the Periodic Table





Planet Earth



Important information: The following is important information that all students and parents need to read and understand.  If any issues arise in class, the following will be referred to:

1. Attendance:  During the class period, many activities take place which cannot be made up, such as discussions, experiments, lab assignments, group/partner work, etc.  Students who miss a class period miss valuable information and experiences. 

2. Absences:  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the assignment for the day(s) you missed.  You have one extra day for each day you are absent to turn in missed work.

3. Absent from quiz review or quiz day:  If a quiz has been previously announced and you are absent the day before the quiz and miss the classroom review, you will still be required to take the quiz when you return, so be prepared.  If you are absent the day of the quiz, you will need to make up the quiz on the day you return to school

4. Materials:  These items should be brought to class EVERY DAY: Science Notebook workbook, Science Reading Essentials workbook, Assignment book, Accordion Folder/Binder, Science Fair folder, Science Work folder (graded papers), pencil pouch (blue/black pen, highlighter, grading pen), AR book

5. Bathroom: Students are given two emergency bathroom passes per quarter.  The bathroom is to be used during passing period.  Student MUST have assignment book to write a pass out of the room.

6. Grading Scale:

Grading Guidelines


93- 100%


84- 92%


74- 83%


65- 73%


64% or lower


7. Homework: All assignments are written on the assignment board in the classroom.  Students are given time at the beginning of class every day to get out their assignment book out and write down homework.  Assignments are due the next day, unless otherwise specified.  Most assignments may be turned in the next day for a late grade, which will have an automatic 10% deduction.  Some assignments must be turned in the day they are due for certain reasons, whether they are completed or not (i.e. Science Notebook workbook).  Various projects will be completed throughout the year and details will be given as they are assigned.

8. Extra Credit: Extra credit is given on all quizzes.  Some other additional extra credit assignments may be given, but it is not meant to replace actual assignments.  Be responsible and complete work when it is given.

9. Grade distribution:



What is included in this category



Work assigned as homework will be given in class, but is required to be completed at home. All homework is written on the assignment board, and is the student’s responsibility to copy it into their assignment notebook. Assignments are due IN CLASS, otherwise it is late.

The different components of the Science Fair project will be counted as homework. Please see the Science Fair Assignment Worksheet for these assignments.

Class work


Some assignments started in class are considered class work. If a majority/all of the assignment is completed in class, it is considered class work. Assignments that are not completed in class can be completed at home, but they are still considered class work.

Projects/ Labs


Any completed class or home project will be counted in this category. All labs and lab reports will be included as well.



All tests and quizzes will be announced in class and online on my webpage.



Almost every day in class we will complete a Bell ringer. These are collected daily.

Writing assignments are given every other week, and are graded and counted in this category.

In 6th grade we use the Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Integrated iScience Course 1 book (New books…YAY!).  Actual hardcover books will not be sent home.  The students will have access online to all books, including the textbook, Science Notebook workbook, Science Reading Essentials workbook, lab sheets, etc.  Students will receive 2 workbooks, the Science Notebook and the Reading Essentials workbook.  If you do not have a computer/internet access at home, the book in its entirety is in the Reading Essentials workbook, along with most assignments.

Every student is given a PowerSchool name and password.  There is a link to PowerSchool on the school’s website (  Just click on the PowerSchool link and then on the PowerSchool Parent link. 

PowerSchool is updated constantly, and it is important for students and parents to stay up-to-date on all grades.  Your username and password is good for all classes.  To access the assignments for a particular subject, click on the actual grade, and a page will come up with all assignments and grade for each one.  I also include comments on assignments, whether they were incomplete or late, using the reason that your student has given me.

I keep an updated 6th grade science page on the school’s website.  On this page I list a timeline of assignments, quizzes, and tests (which can change depending on happenings in class and in school), late work policies, and other important information. 

I am easily accessed through my email.  My email address is: [email protected].  It can also be accessed on the Staff Directory page, just click on the envelope next to the globe.

I frequently send out messages on Remind.  The 6th grade team is asking all parents to sign up. Directions on how to sign up have been given to your student.  Please use your first and last name and in parenthesis put your child’s first and last name.  Students can also download the app to receive messages as well.

Please fill out each section on the Technology Checklist, and return to Mrs. Renfroe.  This is a grade.  I look forward to an amazing and science filled school year!         

Technology Checklist- 6TH Grade Science

Student Name: _____________________________

PARENT: Technology is an important part of our society today.  It is important that each student makes sure that they can access all of the available forms of communication and resources.  Please complete each task together and initial the line once you have accessed each item.
















6. PARENT/GUARDIAN EMAIL: Please print neatly


         Relationship to student: ______________________________

I have read all of the information on the Welcome sheet, Syllabus and Course Requirements, and 6th Grade Science Specifics.  I have also completed the Technology checklist.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________

Please return only this page to Mrs. Renfroe by ____________________