Information You Should Know

Arrival and Dismissal:

  • Morning bell rings at 8:40 a.m.
  • No student should be out on the playground prior to 8:25 a.m. unless they are a part of the breakfast program
  • Students participating in the breakfast program may enter the school after 8:00 a.m.
  • You child should be in our assigned line number 3 by time the morning bell rings
  • We ask that parents do not accompany their child into the building
  • Please have students enter in through the Kindergarten doors
  • We will be dismissed at the Kindergarten doors at approximately 2:55 p.m.
  • Bus riders and daycare students will be dismissed through the front door
  • Please notify me and the front office of any pick up changes in writing.   If I or the front office does not have a written note, they will be sent home in their usual transportation (this includes being picked up by someone who doesn’t usually pick up your child).



  • Lunch is served everyday at 11:30 a.m.
  • If your child forgets their lunch please drop it off to the front office no later then 11:40 a.m.
  • When sending in hot lunch payments, please send it in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on it and that it indicates that it is for hot lunch




    You are more than welcome to send a small handheld treat to celebrate your child’s birthday.  Please do not send in cakes, balloons or anything that cannot be easily shared and passed out.   Birthday celebrations are held during the end of our lunch period.  Please make sure all treats are dropped off no later than 11:15 a.m.


    Book bags and supplies:

    Please check your student’s book bag and folders daily for their homework, graded work, and notes.  If your student is running low on/missing supplies a note will be sent home to notify you. 


    Behavior Chart:

    A behavior calendar is sent home daily in students blue folder. Please make you check and sign this daily.  Students are awarded at the end of each quarter for their behavior. 



  • Students will receive homework on Mondays and Wednesdays of each week
  • Alphabet books and logs will be sent home daily.  Students are to practice their alphabet book each day.
  •  Please sign the color chart and alphabet log every day. 
  • Folders:  Please make sure your scholar has a red and blue folder.  Blue folders will contain scholars’ color chart, graded work, and any announcements. Blue folders will be sent home daily. Please make sure to check and clean out the blue folders on a daily basis. Red folders are for homework only, and will be sent home on Mondays and Wednesdays


    A newsletter will be sent home every Monday.  The newsletter will give you an overview of what content we are covering during the week, sight words to study during that week, and any important announcements.  I will also be utilizing the app Remind to send out reminders, updates, or school events.  If you would like to receive text about classroom updates and school events you can do the following:

  • download the Remind app
  • enter the class code 81010
  • send a text with the following message please make sure to include all numbers, symbols and letters as it appears:  @estingley
  • If you ever have any questions or concerns please contact me via email estingley@sd150 or phone 708-339-4433