All About Mrs. Hanks
Welcome to
First Grade Room 18

          Greenwood Elementary

Mrs. Hanks-All-Stars

Where Learning is Always Fun

 My name is Tiva Hanks, and I will be your child's first grade teacher this year! Please allow me to formally introduce myself. I am a graduate of the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. I have a Masters in Reading and Gifted Education, from Concordia University, and  have been an Early Childhood Educator for over twenty two years. Throughout my career, I have had many opportunities to work with students from Pre-Kindergarten to 3rd grade, however I have found my experiences in working with first graders to have been the most enjoyable and most rewarding thus far! I truly enjoy teaching, and am excited about our school year.

Although I work with young children, you will find that , I encourage my students to be independent and responsible for their own learning. I firmly believe that any child can succeed if they are willing to try. You play a valuable role in your child's education as well, and your support is essential to secure their future academic progress. I look forward to working with you and your child this year. Please feel free to call or stop in for a visit, and know that your help and support will always be greatly appreciated.



Mrs. Tiva Hanks

[email protected]
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