Journey's Weekly Spelling

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Journey's Reader's Notebook Vol. 1

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Journey's Reader's Notebook Vol. 2

Main Selection: The Signmaker's Assistant

Essential Question: What can you learn from signs in your community?
Target Skill: Text and Graphic Features

Authors use graphic features, such as pictures to make their ideas clearer.  They also use text features, such as titles, headings, or special type.

Target Strategy: Question

Good readers ask themselves questions as they read.  Then they read in and use pictures and other graphic features to help them answer their questions.

Fluency: Phrasing- Punctuation

When good readers read aloud, they use punctuation to help them group words that go together.


are, baby, didn't, good, I'll, is, please, sound, talk, too


Phonics: Words with ar



Target Vocabulary:

  • agreed: to have said yes to something
  • trouble: problems
  • cleared: to have taken things away from someplace
  • failed: not succeeded
  • polite: respectful
  • assistant: someone who helps another person
  • tearing: damaging something by pulling it apart
  • wisdom: good sense of judgment

Target Strategy: Synonyms

Synonyms are words that have the same, or a similar, meaning.


Grammar Focus: Commas in Dates and Places

A comma is used between the number of the day and the year to separate them, but not between the month and the day.  The year is always listed last. 

A comma belongs between the name of the city or town and the name of the state.  The state is always listed last.



Comma Chameleon

Save the Coma


Phonics: Words with /ar/


Spelling Words:

List 1                               List 2

  1. car                                                        1.  carpet
  2.  dark                                                     2.  apartment
  3.  arm                                                      3.  garden
  4.  star                                                      4.  farther
  5.  park                                                     5.  cartwheel
  6.  yard                                                     6.  partner 
  7.  party                                                    7.  target
  8.  hard                                                     8.  sparkle
  9.  farm                                                     9.  charge
10.  start                                                   10.  charcoal
11.  part                                                    11.  cargo
12.  spark                                                 12.  starve
13. art   13. large
14. jar   14. charm
15. please                                                 15. please
16. didn't   16. didn't



Now & Ben

Lesson 30



inventions-useful tools, machines,
or instruments that were created by someone

accomplishments- things that are
successful or impressive

remarkable – unusual or surprising

designed –to have planned or
developed something

composed –to have written something

amounts- quantities of something

result-something that happens
because of something else

achieve – to successfully complete
something or get a good result

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lesson 29


Image result for two of everything
Image result for two of everything

Main Selection

Two of Everything

Genre: Folktale


Paired Selection

Stone Soup

Genre: Traditional Tale


Decodable Readers

• Not So Alike

• Corduroy and Will

Spelling Principle

Spelling Patterns ai, ay, igh, -y


Spelling Words List 1

aim, snail, bay, braid, ray, always, gain, sly, chain, shy,

bright, fright, tray, try, woman, eight


Spelling Words List 2

container, thigh, delight, midnight, reply, aisle,

identify, apply, rhyme, anyway, detail, airplane,

eight, drain, tonight, woman


tossed-to have thrown or flung something

grateful- showing thankfulness for something

contained– to have held or enclosed something

startled–to have suddenly surprised someone

 village–a very small town in the country

 search- to look for something

odd- strange, unusual

leaned– to have moved your body in a particular direction


Image result for animated spring flowers

Lesson 28

Journeys Reading Unit 6 Lesson 28


Spelling Word List 1

cow, house, town, shout, down, mouse, found, loud,

brown, ground, pound, flower, out

now, enough, tomorrow



Spelling List 2

towelpounce, vowel, growl, hour, our, proud,

thousand, howl, couch, sound, mountain, counting,  shower,

enough, tomorrow


Vocabulary for “Yeh-Shen”

task- a small job to do

glimmering- shining and sparkling

served- carried in and placed before people

content- satisfied

worn- having the look of being used over and over again

overjoyed- very happy

concealed- hidden; out of sight

valuable- worth a lot of money


High Frequency Words

above, enough, falling, happened, lived, loved, should, sorry, want, while

Lesson 27

Image result for the dog that dug for dinosaurs

Main Selection: The Dog That Dug For Dinosaurs

Essential Question: How can one event in a story cause another to happen?

Target Skill: Fact & Opinion

Analyze and evaluate information correctly and effectively based on personal feelings and judgement.  Readers need to know whether information is true and verifiable when reading. 

Target Strategy: Question

When readers ask questions as they read, it keeps them thinking about the words and ideas in the book. It makes them want to read on. Asking questions helps  when you're confused, too.

Fluency: Intonation

When good readers read, they add interest and enjoyment to their reading by reading with expression. They may use their voices to communicate characters' or the author's thoughts and feelings. Good readers match the interpretation of the passage.  (examples: surprised, scared, or even angry.)

High Frequency Words/Word Wall Words

buy, father, called, town, even, maybe, where, water, outside, tomorrow


Phonics: Vowel Dipthong /oo/
Possessive Nouns

List 1:
took, books, foot, hoof, cook, nook, hood, wood, stood, shook, crook, cookbook, look, good, maybe, buy

Challenge list:
crooked, bookcase, good-bye, looking, recooked, footprints, wool, woodpecker, childhood, understood, wood, hoodie, football, maybe, buy


Target Vocabulary:

discovered: to have found out something you didn't know before
guard: a person who watches over or protects something or someone
remove: to take away
souvenirs: things that remind you of a place you visited or an experience you had
explained: to have told someone about something so that they understand it
exact: right on, completely correct
growled: made a long, deep, angry sound, with the throat

amazed: to be very surprised

Image result for the mysterious tadpole

List 1 Spelling Words:
root, crew, spoon, few, bloom, grew, room, you
stew, boost, scoop, flew, zoo, noon, goes, don't

Challenge List:
​​balloon, proof, scooter, group, soup, threw, through, chew
screwdriver, curfew, tissue, rescue, argue, goes, don't
Target Vocabulary:

​​ result for animated tadpole

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Image result for from seed to plant

Target Vocabulary Words

Spelling Words...List 1

Spelling Word List 2

Target Vocabulary

Pond Plants Set 8 * Bird of Paradise * 30 Animated butterflies (11x11) 11Prims * L$599 during PROMO!


Main Selection: Half-Chicken

Essential Question: How can one event in a story cause another to happen?

Target Skill: Cause and Effect

Events cause other events to happen. Good readers connect story details to link something that happens to what makes it happen. 

Target Strategy: Visualize

Readers stop and think about pictures that come into their minds as they read. If reading with a partner, share their thoughts what they are imagining. 

Fluency: Accuracy: Expression

When good readers read, they add interest and enjoyment to their reading by reading with expression. They may use their voices to communicate characters' or the author's thoughts and feelings. (examples: surprised, scared, or even angry.)

High Frequency Words/Word Wall Words

away, began, brothers, brown, earth, here, learning, surprised, there, without


Phonics: Prefixes re-, un-, over-, pre-, mis-

Spelling Words: Prefixes re-, un-

                List 1:                                                                     List 2

           1. unhappy                                                            1. unhealthy            

           2. retell                                                                 2.  unfold

           3.  untangle                                                          3.  recycle

           4. unkind                                                               4.  overdue

           5. repaint                                                              5.  overflow

           6. refill                                                                   6.  mislead

           7. unlike                                                                 7.  misspell 

           8. remake                                                              8.  misunderstand

           9. unpack                                                              9. preview

        10.  reread                                                            10.  prefix

        11. unlock                                                              11.  prepare

        12. replay                                                              12.  unroll

           Review:                                                                  Review: 

        13. read                                                                 13.  surprised

        14. happy                                                               14.  without

        Challenge:                                                              Challenge

        15. surprised                                                          15.  rewrite

        16. without                                                             16.  overheard


Target Vocabulary:

peacefully: calmly, not fighting
blazed: burned or shined brightly
empty: not full
stream: flowing water, like a small river
flung: threw hard
swift: fast
tumbling: falling and rolling suddenly
tangled: twisted and mixed-up

Vocabulary Strategy: Antonyms


Grammar Focus: Irregular Verbs


Mode: Writing to inform

Focus Trait: Ideas


 1000+ images about Gif ...

Main Selection: Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend

Essential Question: What can you learn from a character's words and actions?

Target Skill: Understanding Characters

Readers can use what a character says, thinks, and does to figure out the character's traits and feelings. 

Target Strategy: Question

Readers can better understand characters by asking questions about their behavior.

Fluency: Accuracy: Accuracy-Self Correct

When good readers read aloud, they think about their reading.  If a word doesn't make sense, they stop and try to clarify the confusion.



boy, does, everyone, field, floor, found, into, their, toward, what's


Phonics: Homophones

Homophones are words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings.

Spelling Words:

List 1

2. meat

3. week

4 weak

5. mane

6. main 

7. tail

8. tale

9. be

10. bee

11. too

12. two


13. see

14. sea


15. threw

16. through



Target Vocabulary:

knot: a knot is made by passing one end of a string or rope through a loop and pulling it tight
copy: to do or make something exactly like another thing
planning: deciding what you want to do before you actually do it
lonely: to feel sad to be alone
heavily: weighs a lot
seriously: you are sincere and not joking
answered: to reply to a question
guessed: to form an idea without knowing all the facts

Target Strategy: Idioms

An idiom is an expression that cannot be understood from the individual meanings of the words that make it up or by its literal meaning.

ex: The test was a piece of cake.

Grammar Focus: Using Adjectives

  • Use a before a noun that starts with a consonant sound.  Use an before a noun that starts with a vowel sound.  You can also use the to point out a particular noun or pronoun.
  • When an adjective compares two things, it ends with -er.  When an adjective compares more than two things, it ends in -est.

  Lesson 21



Main Selection: Penguin Chick

Live Penguin Cams

Essential Question: How do you know which facts are important?

Target Skill: Main Idea and Details

The topic is what a selection is about.  Main Ideas are the most important ideas about the topic.  Supporting details give more information about each main idea.  Main ideas and details tell more about the topic.

Target Strategy: Infer and Predict

Thinking carefully about the details in the selection can help readers infer, or figure out the main idea.

Fluency: Accuracy: Phrasing-Natural Pauses

When good readers read aloud, they group the words into chunks called phrases.  Good readers pause naturally at the end of those chunks.


across, behind, house, how, move, nothing, one, out, took, voice


Phonics: Words with er

Target Vocabulary:

  1. finally: after a long time
  2. otherwise: if things were different
  3. junior: younger or having a lower rank
  4. waterproof: something that doesn’t allow water through it
  5. slippery: difficult to hold on to
  6. webbed: having skin between the toes
  7. steer: to control the direction in which something is going
  8. whistle: a high musical sound

Target Strategy: Dictionary Entry

A dictionary entry includes an entry word, one or more definitions of the word, and sometimes an example sentence or a picture; all dictionary entries are arranged in ABC order.


Grammar Focus: What Is an Adjective?

Some words tell more about other words.  These words are called adjectives.  Some adjectives tell more about how someone looks.  Some adjectives tell more about how something tastes or smells. Some adjectives tell more about how something feels or sounds.

Spelling Words:

         List 1                                         List​​​ 2
1. father                              1. threw

2. over                                  2. through

3. under                               3. main
4. herd                                  4. mane
5. water                               5.  hare
6. verb                                  6.  hair
7. paper                                7.  flower
8. cracker                          8. flour
9. offer                               9. bear
10. cover                          10. bare
11. germ                             11. whole
12. master                        12. hole
13. fern                             13. blew
14. ever                             14. blue
15. nothing                      15. wear
16.  voice                          16. where