Future Leaders' September News Letter

Illustration Of Colorful Autumn Leaves.pngFuture Leaders’ September News Update 2017




Class review:

* We are introduced to 8 Vocabulary Words weekly from our reading. We say, talk about, and discuss how these words are

used in the text and in our day to day lives.



What students need to be successful:

Twenty minutes of nightly reading. Let’s face it…parents (and kids) are busy! It is difficult to “fit in” all that needs to be done in a day. We are often faced with having to make choices about what stays and what goes in our schedules. So, why is it so critical to include 20 minutes of reading in your child’s daily schedule? There is a wealth of research supporting daily reading with your child especially prior to and during the period when she/he is learning to read. Here are a few of the ways reading with your child for 20 (or more) minutes a day benefits him or her.

A. Reading is “brain food”

B. Reading improves listening skills

C. Reading improves academic performance


There is a strong correlation between a child’s ability to read and her academic performance. Because so much of our schooling relies on our abilities to read, children must have strong reading skills to succeed and thrive in school.


Reading Centers consist of the following:

* Independent, Partner and Small Group Reading

·      * Guided Reading Group

       * Working with Words (Spelling & Vocabulary)

          * Working Writing

          * Technology (reinforce, review, assess)

These are key ways for my students to develop into strong, independent readers and writers in addition to putting in extra study time at home.




Phonics/Phonic Awareness

Short vowels o, u, e, Long a, i, and sounds for c, Long o, u, e and sounds for g, Consonant blends with r, l, s, Common Final Blends nd, ng, nk, nt, ft, xt, and mp.



Accuracy Words Connected in Text

Accuracy Self- Correct


Phrasing Punctuation




Students need to work on handwriting. They will be given sheets in class and for homework that will help with pencil control and neatness. Parents, please view and have them present their best. Please be patient, as this takes time. You will see the skill set come together before 4th quarter.


Writing Workshop

We are working on writing for good readers. The development of writing for our class is in the beginning stage. The expectations for my students are that they will understand that writing is a mere conversation of talking. They were introduced to 4-square writing this week. I have found that this is a great way to teach students about the techniques and key components of putting together words, to form sentences, to develop paragraphs.


*Our focus is narrative writing, a story, characters, imaginary, traits, feelings, and actions


*Writing Form: Sentences that tell a true story, Friendly Letter, Sentences

  that describes, True Stories,



*Subjects and Predicates

*Simple Sentences

*Types of Sentences

*What is a Noun?

*Singular Plural Nouns



As you have seen and experienced, students work on math daily. Our math series, Eureka math is a very intense and is aligned to closely our Common Core Math Standards. The rigor of the program means that students must focus, and work to understand each lesson. The curriculum spirals, so every lesson is the key to learning the next lesson, throughout our series. We are currently in module 1. We are working on the (break-a-part method). I am sure you have seen it and not known what it was called. J


**Please continue to work with students on addition and subtraction. Be creative and make your own Flash Cards or know that Flash cards are sold at Dollar Tree and such places, and are a great activity for students to study and practice. These are KEY items needed for our daily math and if they are not up to par with them, they will quickly fall behind. (You will find once students become more efficient, it is a matter of taking 40 minutes to complete math versus taking 15-20.)


Social Studies/Science

          Social Studies: Governing the People and the World Around Us

          Science: All about Animals, How Plants and Animals Live Together



We have pretest to distinguish who get list 1 (original) or list 2 (challenge)

We did spelling activities in addition to the 4 spelling homework assignments


(Remember new words are sent home on Friday’s at the latest on Monday’s unless it is a holiday.) Check my webpage for the story of the week and all of the supporting components.


 7 Tips For Starting School.png


Important Dates to Remember

Plan Accordingly:

     *Monday, September 5th is a holiday (LABOR DAY)…there is NO 

*Wednesday, September 14th is EARLY Dismissal (12:00)

*Family Reading Night is Thursday, September 22nd (6:00-7:00 p.m.)

          Bring the students for a night of fun & enhancement.

     *Monday, October 10th is Columbus Day….there is no school

*Wednesday, October 12th is EARLY Dismissal (12:00)

     *Thursday and Friday, October 27 & 28 will be Parent-Teacher  
 Please make arrangements to attend.


No Bullying Zone.png

Special Notes:

We’ve extended the invitation for Room Parents. Please note we need room parent helpers to plan and organize our classroom parties. The first class celebration is October 31st. If you are interested, please email me your contact information ([email protected]). The $10 donation towards the classroom celebration is due before October 20th.

Parents are requested to communicate with me through CLASS DOJO. Have you signed up? Letters were sent out the first full week of school. If you need instructions on how to sign up for CLASS DOJO, please email me as soon as possible. This is my communicative device for keeping you in the know.


Staying on Top of Things: 

All homework is due the next day, after it is assigned. The only exception to that rule is if a student absent. Example….student sick 3 days, student will have 3 days to make-up the work. 2nd Grade has a bit more to cover to assure students are ready for 3rd grade. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, you can expect homework (Math, Reading (20 minutes, expected to take AR test on Fridays), Spelling (4 assignments each week), Language, Science or Social Studies.

Classroom expectations:

Students are expected to correct their own behavior with the assistance of TWO redirects from me. If and when there is a 3rd redirect, I am no longer asking students to correct their behavior, but I am telling them. This is when students' parents are connected, students lose recess, have to read, reflect and write the behavior reflection. (So, as you can see…I work to allow students to self-correct their behaviors, before they receive a consequence.).

Student are scheduled to have two Healthy snacks in my classroom throughout the day, 11:00 am & 2:00pm. Snacks again MUST be HEALTHY (PLEASE DO NOT SEND PRODUCTS THAT INCLUDE NUTS)