Electronic Devices

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Electronic Devices

Personal electronic devices will not be allowed in the classroom.  Electronic devices should be kept in student lockers.  Devices should not be in pockets, in pencil cases, or anywhere in students supplies.  If a device is found, rings, or if students bring it to class, the consequences are as follows:

First Offense:   Student will turn the phone in to the teacher until the end of the day and will receive a referral.  At the dismissal bell, the student can pick up the phone​ and teacher will reteach appropriate cell phone procedures.

Second Offense:   Student will turn in the phone in to the teacher and the phone will be turned in by the teacher to the school office.  Student will receive a detention and parents will have to pick up the device from the office. 

Any further offenses will be referred to the Dean of Students, Mr. Ingram, for disciplinary measures.