Tardy Policy

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Tardy Policy and Reward System

In this class, I count and mark tardies.  According the the discipline code handbook, you are allowed 5 tardies per quarter and on the 6th, you are issued a detention.  I will adhere to this policy.  You are tardy if you are not IN THE ROOM when the bell rings.

I do NOT give passes out of the room during our instruction time unless you need to see the nurse (upon my evaluation of need) or if I give you permission to go to the library.  If you need to use the restroom, you may use your store of tardies (5) to do so, however; once they are gone, you may not leave the room.  **If you have a medical condition that requires you to use the restroom on a frequent basis, medical documentation from your doctor must be given to the school nurse and will be placed in your student file.​

If you do not use your tardies, you will be rewarded!! The Positive Consequences are as follows:

No tardies, no passes, no late work = Drop the lowest test AND homework grade for that current quarter, 20 extra credit points to the grade of your choosing, and a FREE homework pass.

No tardies = 20 extra credit points to the grade of your choice (literature or language arts)

No passes = 10 extra credit points to the grade of your choice

No late work = FREE homework pass