Science grades are put into PowerSchool as percentages.  Quizzes, tests, and projects are weighted more than classwork and homework.  Work is accepted one day late for a 10% reduction in grade.  Work is not accepted after one day late.  Students are required to fill out a "Missing Assignment Slip" if they do not have their work.  On it, they must explain why they do not have their work with them.  I then input their reasoning into Powerschool.  You can see these reasons by clicking on the actual assignment grade.

Grading Scale:

93-100 A
84-92   B
74-83   C
65-73   D
64-0     F

I also use a checkmark system for certain assignments:

checkmark+ = A
checkmark   = B
checkmark-   = C

Grade Breakdown:

Homework: 10%
Classwork: 30%
Projects/Labs: 25%
Quizzes/Tests: 30%
Self Reflections: 5%