Science Fair Project Rubric

Tri-fold display board (10 pts); Poster board (5 pts)

Question- What are you investigating? Question requires experimentation; not a demonstration (10 pts) 

Purpose- Why did you want to do this project? (10 pts)

Research- Must have 5 questions with answers and acceptable sources. (15 pts)

Hypothesis- Your best guess as to the outcome of the experiment.  Must be in the form of an “If…, then…” statement.  (15 pts)

Materials- A complete list of the materials used in the experiment. (15 pts)

Procedure- The step by step procedure used to conduct the experiment.  Must be detailed and clearly explained, without skipping any steps. (15 pts)

Photographs- A minimum of three photographs depicting you completing the experiment. (15 pts)

Data- Observations made during experiment; can be in graph form (10 pts)

Conclusion- The answer to your original question restating hypothesis.  (10 pts)

Neatness- Board is organized in a neat fashion.  Does not look like it was done at the last minute.  Words are typed and in a font large enough for an observer to easily read.  (15 pts)

Late- 5 points taken off for each day late.

Grammar and Spelling- Board should be grammatically correct and without spelling errors. (1 point taken off for each error)

Bonus- Board is decorative.  Creative title.  Props/items used in experiment were brought in. Anything else above and beyond what was required. (0-10 extra credit points).

Total:  _____/ 130