Classroom Procedures

It is important to establish procedures and daily routines for students.  The number one problem in the classroom is not discipline; it is the lack of procedures and routines. Procedures and routines allow our classroom to run smoothly and decrease disruptions.  These procedures and routines will be discussed and practiced in detail at the beginning of the school year and reviewed as needed.  All students are expected to know and follow these procedures and routines in the classroom.

Students are expected to enter and exit the classroom quietly.  Upon entering the classroom in the morning, students should prepare their materials for class and begin the bell work written on the board.

Homework will be collected every day at the beginning of the day.  Students will gather their homework from their homework folder and place it in the homework collection bin at the front of the classroom.  Homework folders should be checked each evening by parents as parent/teacher communication will be transported in the students' homework folders.

Class participation is expected from every student. Students should come to class prepared and ready to be actively engaged in the lessons.  Students will treat each other with respect, will show acceptance of other ideas, and create an environment of freedom to express their own ideas.  Students will treat themselves, the teacher, their classmates, and school personnel with respect.

Use of the bathroom should be done before and after school.  We will have one morning bathroom break and one afternoon bathroom break.  Any student that needs to use the restroom at any other time should notify the teacher and will be given a bathroom pass.  This should be limited to emergencies.