Rewards and Consequences

Point Sheets

​I will use point sheets to monitor both academic and social skills. Students will receive points for each class period based on their behavior and participation.  At the end of the day, if students have earned at least 80% of their points, they will receive a sticker.  Once they receive 10 stickers, students will be able to choose a reward from the treasure box.  This will create an atmosphere of engagement and involvement and increase student motivation.

Teacher/Family Communication

 It is important that the communication I have with the student and their family is not only when there is a problem.  I believe that positive communication fosters a student's good behavior and hard work.  

 Teacher/Student Communication

 I want my students to know that I care about them and am there to help them achieve their goals.  I will provide feedback and encouragement to each student.  I will provide opportunities for each student to experience success.


While I hope that my classroom management strategies will limit the amount of classroom disturbances or behavior issues, I have a couple of different strategies I will use to redirect students when necessary.  These include creating a consistent classroom routine so students know what to expect every day; nonverbal cues such as eye contact or physical proximity to students; and positive narration to bring attention to positive behavior instead of negative behavior. 

 If a situation does arise that requires additional attention, I will first give a verbal reminder to either the entire class or a specific student.  Any warning to an individual student will not be done in front of the classroom.  The idea is not to embarrass the student, but to correct the behavior.  Next, will be a teacher/student conference in which I will review the classroom expectations with the student.  If the behavior continues, I will make a phone call home to discuss the situation and see what remedies we can come up with.  Finally, if I cannot correct the behavior with these steps, I will refer the student to the office.  Each step along the way, I will keep in contact with the parents and ask for their assistance with the situation. 

 These consequences will be followed fairly and consistently with each student and in each situation.