Classroom Procedures
Entering the Classroom:
After greeting the teacher, my expectation is that the students walk in quietly and go to their assigned seat and begin their bellringer posted on the front board.

Sharpening Pencils:
Students are expected to raise their hands and ask for permission to sharpen their pencil. If their pencil breaks during instruction they may ask permission to borrow a pencil from the supply corner and return it before they leave the classroom.

The students are allowed to use the restroom during their passing period. If there is an emergency the students will be allowed to go to the bathroom with permission. 

Cell Phone Policy:
Students should always leave their cellphone in their lockers. If they are caught using them in the classroom for non-instructional use, they will be confiscated by the teacher. 

Students will typically be given at least one homework assignment per day. The homework will be due back the following day. If a student is absent they will be given an additional day to complete the assignment.